• The gift of Health


MİRAY MEDİKAL, founded in 2005 Bursa, is an innovative company that specializes in the field of Ophthalmology. They are the pioneers of the industry that invest in ophthalmology sector in Bursa, considering both international developments and domestic needs.

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Ocudeka Decaline® 100% Fluorinated Perfluorocarbon Liquid For Retinal Surgery

  • Biocompatible
  • Chemically and physiologically inert
  • Efficient retinal unfolding and stabilization
  • High specific density
 Formula C10F18
Density 1,908 g/cm³ at 20 °C
Refractive index 1,313 at 20 ̊C
Content 100 % fluorinated perfluorocarbon
Boiling point 142 °C
Packing 5 ml in vial
7 ml in vial

Do you want to know more about this product? Watch this video or click on the button to get the detailed brochure.
