• The gift of Health

Alsavisc 1.4% & Alsavisc 3.0%

Sodium Hyaluronate Viscoelastics

Alsanza’s Hyaluronic Acid-based viscoelastic brand is developed to exceed the meets of all ophthalmic surgeries.
Alsanza’s Ophthalmic Viscosurgical Devices (OVDs) ensure a stopless and safe surgery to meet your needs during cataract surgery. Based on deep experience in developing Ophthalmic Viscosurgicals, Alsanza’s portfolio offers Hyaluronic Acid (HA) and HPMC products, both originating from bacterial fermentation. Alsanza’s OVD portfolio is also compatible with our IOLs for extra-safe and smooth surgical insertions.

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Alsavisc % 1.0 Smooth, Alsavisc % 1.6 Cool, Alsavisc % 2.0 Deep

High-Tech & Pure

Sodium Hyaluronate in ALSAVISCs is Non Animal based and obtained by ‘RDNA bio-fermentation’ methods. This High-tech Biotechnology procedure is developed to achive Pure Hyaluronate from special transgenic microorganism expressing Human HA genes.

Transgenic microorganism directly secrets HA out of cell in isotonic medium which significantly supports achiving non-allergenicendotoxin and exotoxin free OVD. This method reduces chemical solvent impurities by lowering the need for long purification processes unlike Animal Based or non-RDNA biofermented OVDs.

Long & Monotype HA Chains

Ribosoms of transgenic microorganism expresses Human Genes and produce Long Hyaluronic Acid (3.000.000 Da) chains in monotype that means Homogeneous character of Long HA chains. That provides Homogenous caracter in HA chains and numerous benefits;

  • Mantains elasticity to better shock absorption
  • Prevents moleculer apart with preventing delamination
  • Provides reversable viscosity for different shear stresses

Cohesive Alsaviscs have 3.000.000Da Molecular Weight Sodium Hyaluronate

  • Well entanglement with long chains
  • Easy aspirations
  • Better space maintaining & shock absorption with Higher visco-elastic properties

Do you want to know more about this product? Watch this video or click on the button to get the detailed brochure.
