• The gift of Health

ALSA FIT Fourier

Fourier Optic IOL

ALSAFIT FOURIER is a total presbyopia correcting IOL for cataract and RLE surgery procedures. By carrying a disruptive innovation in optical design, Fourier Optic is fitted out with reverse apodization in all optical zone (6mm) . This unique pattern is developed by transforming classical edged overlapping Fresnel diffraction into Fourier Optic with reverse apodization. Throughout reverse apodized Fourier Optic , it contists of 14 soft transition steps which support possessing high quality of vision at all distances regardless of lighting condition.

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Why Reverse Apodization?

Reverse Apodization maintains continuity of balanced light  distribution and continuous focus regardless of lighting conditions. Patent pending Fourier Optic with Reverse apodization  features  24H Balanced Light Distribution that enables high energy distribution to near and intermediate in mesopic conditions as well as photopic. That unique design promises patients more efficent light distribution and  have clear vision at all distances during daytime and nighttime.

Maximized Light Transmission

ALSAFIT FOURIER provides %91,4 Light Transmission thanks to patent pending Reverse Apodized Fourier Optic . Fourier Optic diffraction on optical area transmit large part of the light to retina by reducing reflected and scattered light. Classical sharp edged and overlapping diffractive IOLs exhibit important light loss(12 to 15 %) which has direct impact on visual performance.

24Hours Balanced Light Distribution

Increasing height of the  Fourier Optic diffraction from central to peripheral on optical area provides high energy delivery  to near and intermediate with the enlarging of the pupil. With 24H Balanced Light Distribution Fourier Optic IOL offers high contrast sensitivity at near, intermediate and far vision and all distances in between during daytime and nighttime.

A Constant
ACD constant
General description & fixation
Haptic Angulation
incision Size
lens type
Optic Shape
Body (Optic) Size
Overall Size
Optical Function
Optical Principle
Range in 0,5D increments-sphere
Haptic Material
UV-Light Protection
special features

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