• The gift of Health


A glistening free hydrophobic acrylic IOL packed in dry conditions.

A Glistening Free Hydrophobic Acrylic Material Packed in Dry Conditions. “Glistening has been observed since the introduction of hydrophobic acrylic IOLs and is frustrating complications for the patient and the surgeon. These fluid-filled micro vacuoles within the IOLs have been reported since the 1990s,”


Our R&D team with its expertize of more than two decades in the IOL industry, considering the history of the hydrophobic IOL materials with their strengths and weaknesses, invested considerable time and efforts to come with a bio-polymer Alsafree combining:

  • Glistening-Free
  • Designed to minimize PCO
  • MICS capable
  • Easy handling features
A Constant
ACD constant
General description & fixation
Haptic Angulation
Incision Size
Lens type
Optic Shape
Body (Optic) Size
Overall Size
Optical Function
Optical Principle
Range in 0,5D increments-sphere
Haptic Material
UV-Light Protection

Do you want to know more about this product? Watch this video or click on the button to get the detailed brochure.
