• The gift of Health

Multifocal IOL

The Zaraccom Preloaded IOL Delivery System is a new and easy-to-use intraocular lens injector system preloaded with our well known hydrophobic intraocular lens (IOL). The Zaraccom Preloaded IOL Delivery System is designed for safe and precise implantation of an IOL into the human eye during cataract surgery.

This preloaded delivery system is ergonomically designed with safe, efficient and reliable control features. It’s also error-free from IOL-loading with no IOL-touching.


  • Light is distributed asymmetrically between the different focus points to ensure excellent vision at all distances. 65% of light being allocated to the far and 35% to the near focal point.
  • Independence from pupil size due to high-performance diffractive-refractive micro-structure covering the 5.0 mm of optical diameter.
  • Due to the asymmetrical light distribution between far (65%) and near (35%) focal points, the light yield of the amounts to 80%, improving overall contrast sensitivity.
  • 2,2 mm MICS
Model Name A100
IOL Design Diffractive Single piece for posterior capsular bag
Material Glistening Free, Hydrophobic Acrylic with UV absorber
Optic Diameter 6,0 mm
Overall Length 12,50
Haptic Angle
Optic Design Plano-convex square edge optic and haptic
Diopter Range 10D to 25D, 0.5D increment from 10D to 30D
Near Power +4,00 IOL Plane (+3,50 Spectacle Plane)
Refractive Index 1,51
Material Water Content <1 %
Sterilization EtO
A constant 117,0
Diffractive Ring Number 19
Type of Delivery System Easy to handle IOL holder
Incision Size < 2,2 mm
Shelf Life 5 Years

Do you want to know more about this product? Watch this video or click on the button to get the detailed brochure.

  • Spheric IOL
  • Aspheric Preloaded
  • Multifocal IOL
